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Core Team

Next Core Team Meeting

Engage in the Vision and Direction of MinistryWhat is Core Team?

The Core Team is Grace's form of membership! We believe that the local church is the hope of the world (Matthew 5:16). Grace Church is not a place or a building. It's made up of people and our Core Team is comprised of those who are passionate and equipped to do God's work and build up the local church (Ephesians 4:12)! These committed members of Grace will be called to their next steps to grow, join community, serve, and give.


Attend An Orientation

The Church Needs YouJump in to leadership!

Grace Church is a church that will equip the people of God to do His work and build up the church. The momentum and direction of the church is led by the Core Team! If you're passionate about your church and believe it's the hope of the world, you should be on Core Team. 

As a member of Grace Church's Core Team, you will:

  • Spend time serving with fellow team members and other volunteers
  • Give input into the direction, vision, and decisions affecting the ministry
  • Pray for your ministry and our church
  • Support the ministry in other ways with your time, talent, or treasure!

Attend an Orientation

What is Core Team?

Join Core Team Today!

Attending a Core Team Orientation is your first step.

Join Us

Something For EveryoneWhat Ministry Areas Can I Support?

There are five primary ministry areas within the greater Core Team. To be part of Core Team, you will choose one area you're most passionate about:

  • Engagement - For those passionate about getting people in the game. 
    Care Center, Partners/Missionaries, Creation Care, Mission Trips, and more. 
  • Digital Experience - For those passionate about creating & facilitating discipleship opportunities online. 
    Digital Strategy, Social Media, Video Creation, Photography, Graphic & Web Design, Writing, Ongoing Communication Initiatives, and more. 
  • Community Life - For those passionate about helping people know that they are welcome and belong. 
    Hospitality (Greeters, Ushers, Info Center, Café), Kids, Students, LIFT, Groups, Pastoral Care & Prayer, and more.
  • Operations - For those passionate about making our church beautiful and efficient.
    Grace Garden, Facilities (Grounds, Maintenance, Set-up), Technology, Stewardship & Accounting
  • Weekend Experience - For those passionate about creating environments for people to encounter God.
    Musical Worship, Production, Prayer Events, Baptisms, and more. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions about The Core Team.

Still Have Questions? Reach Out!

7 Values of Grace Church

We Believe, 'It's Not About Me'

We will model the self-giving love of Jesus by considering others as better than ourselves, setting ourselves aside, and practicing genuine humility (Philippians 2:1-11).

We Make Room

We will become a spiritual family that doesn’t look the same, think the same, talk the same, or have the same age or abilities. We will invite one another into full love and participation in the diverse and inclusive kingdom of God (Ephesians 4:1-16).

We Go There

We are in a humble pursuit of truth together. We will be a safe community to ask hard questions. We won’t be afraid to wrestle with uncomfortable topics and we will listen intently to the Spirit’s voice and dive deep into Scripture to make decisions for our church (2 Timothy 4:1-5).

We Live Life to the Fullest

We love to laugh, celebrate, and have fun because we have been given so much by our Savior. We will overflow with joy, gratitude, and generosity into the lives of those around us (Romans 15:13).

We Say, 'Put Me In Coach'

We will not sit on the sidelines when God’s Spirit is moving. We are activistic, engaged, and passionate about using our gifts and resources to heal this broken world in Jesus’ name (Ephesians 2:10).

We Embrace a 'Bring Your Own Bible' Mindset

We will dive deep into Scripture and avoid shallow answers. We pursue biblical theology, we value lifelong discipleship, and we equip our people to explore God’s Word on their own (2 Timothy 3:14-17).

We Breathe

We will not be ground into dust by this life. We long to be continuously refreshed by Jesus, to pursue what makes us healthy, and to practice the spiritual disciplines of solitude, silence, and Sabbath rest (Matthew 11:28-29).  

Next Core Team Meeting