Monday's Kids Camp Newsletter
Howdy partner! It’s time ya'll get a Grace Kids Camp update on the day our young'uns had over here at Cactus Valley Junction! Every day, we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for God’s good gifts and sifting for Gold Nuggets. But these nuggets look a little different than you might expect. In fact, you can’t really see ‘em at all, because they’re actually big ideas. You’ll see what I mean here shortly.
Today's Story in 1 Samuel
Today the young’uns heard about Abigail’s Wise Rescue from the Foolish Man in the story of 1 Samuel 25. The story goes that Abigail was a smart and savvy woman who saved her family and servants when her husband, Nabal, acted foolishly and almost started a fight with a brave, strong man named David. Abigail acted quickly on the wisdom God gave her. Her generosity and kindness to David brought peace between the two groups, savin' lives in the process.
Today's Gold Nugget
In today’s story, the Gold Nugget we saw sparkling is that Wisdom is acting on God’s Word in my everyday decisions. Wisdom is God’s gift to us, and it ain't just about bein' smart and knowin' the right thing to do. It's about puttin' God's word into action every time we make a choice, because we know God’s will is to lead us toward abundant life. Whether it's helpin' a stranger or bein' kind to someone who's mean to ya, the wise thing to do is always to follow God's lead. At the end of the day, life ain’t always like ridin’ off into the sunset. Sometimes, even good folks act foolishly and cause some big problems. But we know God loves ‘em, and so that’s what we’re gonna do, too. (Learned that one from a wise man named Jesus!)
We also took to the Bible to study this verse about Wisdom:
For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6
Want to see what your kids are up to this week? Visit the Camp Hub to see photos, get daily updates, and find answers for frequently asked questions. You can even tune in to the live stream for large group worship! When you access the SmugMug photo directory, use the following password: GK_Cactus23
This year, our young’uns are puttin’ the good gifts God gave them into action for City Relief. Serving good folks in New York and New Jersey, this organization is a mobile outreach offering people experiencing poverty and homelessness hot meals, supplies, and connections to resources for housing, employment, and health care. These connections change people’s lives. Our young’uns loved hearing about our camp goal to raise $3,000 that will fund one great, big Outreach with City Relief! We are also collecting new adult-size ankle socks that our partner can give to those who need them—and betwixt the boys and girls, we’ll compete to see who can bring the most! Be sure to have yer young’uns tell ya ‘bout the plinko board at the Cactus Valley Junction outreach post. It sure is a hootin’, hollerin’ good time!
What's Happening Tuesday?
Don’t forget, tomorrow the young’uns are fixin’ to wear crazy socks and bring in nickels for the outreach post! Oh, and one last word on Wisdom—Don’t squat with your spurs on!